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Inside the world of luxury packaging – Interview with Mr. János Csiernyik

Keskeny Packaging and Printing has been partaking in one of the largest packaging exhibitions in Milan for years: the Packaging Première and PCD exhibition, which houses innovative luxury and cosmetics packaging, the newest technologies and the future’s trends.

During the 3 days exhibition Mr. János Csiernyik, team leader of Export Sales represented us. Now we ask them about their experiences and impressions.


  1. You have been acting as a representative for us for years. How was this event different from previous ones?

I believe that this year was one of our strongest for the Packaging Première. Our booth was outstanding in both size and look, and we had a wide range of products to exhibit. We included cosmetics and chocolate gift boxes along with packaging for food and beverages as well as our special collapsible box collection.

In summary, our products, our booth design and the well-placed screens made a very good impression on our visitors.

Milánó Packaging Premiere kiállítás

  1. Did you experience any changes in the visitors this year?

I did not see a significant change in the visitors. This was the third time we exhibited, and I can say with confidence that we’ve made our mark in the European market. Most of the visitors already knew us, and most of them came to us with the knowledge of what we produce and what we are capable of. A large part of our visitors came to us with specific intention and their goal was to strengthen our partnerships.

  1. Which products and services were highlighted this year?

díszdobozok italok és kozmetikumok számára

We promoted two kinds of main product categories: folding carton boxes and rigid packaging. In the rigid category, we focused on the traditional top and bottom boxes, boxes with magnetic closures, and we highlighted our collapsible rigid box collection.

We can proudly say that we are unique in Europe with our fully automated collapsible rigid box production, as opposed to Asia where these are made manually. This means we have a strategic advantage over them.

Our other product category in focus was our folding carton boxes, which can be creatively used for cosmetics, food and beverages amongst others. These products were also well received by our visitors. Our most significant strength in services is the fact that every production process – both fully-automated and step-by-step – happen under the same roof.

  1. What was the feedback from our visitors?

The reactions were overwhelmingly positive. The general trend is that the largest brands are trying to distance themselves from Asian production and their aim is to find European solutions which is the reason they were interested in our packaging. Due to this the demand for our collapsible box collection were significant, as these products are largely procured from Asia. The clear feedback from our partners was that there is a need for our solutions and the world is interested in our products and services.

Everyone was impressed by out imposing and aesthetically pleasing booth, it made a good impression on our visitors and it inspired confidence in us. For us, it was a happy surprise how interested they were in the folding carton boxes we were exhibiting. This reassured us that it is an important aspect that we can produce everything in our facility.

  1. What new strategies were utilized to increase partnerships during the exhibition?

We employed a double approach. On one hand, we made rounds to other exhibitors to make new connections, and we showed our rigid and folding carton samples to them. On the other hand, we intensively worked with our booth visitors. We managed to establish record-breaking numbers of new connections, and we aim to develop them into long-term partnerships.

  1. Were there other companies with similar portfolios exhibiting?

Collapsible dobozok

In my opinion yes, both in rigid and folding carton boxes categories there were competitors. However, we are unique in producing collapsible boxes fully automatically in Europe. Others are procuring these from Asia, and they assemble them manually, we are exclusively producing them on automatic machines.

  1. How successful do you rate this exhibition for the company?

Our exhibition was an absolute success. We had visitors of astonishing numbers, and as I mentioned before we were able to deepen our existing partnerships and were able to meet with new potential partners. Furthermore, we must reiterate that we took part in this exhibition for the third time, and this contributes to building our brand as well. The Keskeny name is well known in the luxury packaging industry, and we strengthen our position with each exhibition.

  1. Why do you think it is important to take part in this exhibition?

We value the chance it provides for us to further build our brand and to promote our unique products and services across Europe and the world. We have a lot of potential in the market, and the exhibition is a great way to reach our goals.

  1. Is there anything you would do differently for next year?

 I would not change our booth or portfolio, however, I would partake in other exhibitions in Europe, for example in the Netherlands or Austria to enlarge our popularity and our industry reach.

Thank you, János for sharing your experience and plans. Good luck for the future!


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